Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A year ago my husband and I went to a mind, Body, spirit expo. We really had never been to one before but thought why the heck not? It was cool! now keep in mind there was some freaky stuff like people who would tell you who your Spirit guide was and who your animal guide was..we pretty much stayed away from that stuff..i know who my spirit guide is. I did get my aura picture taken (the energy field around the body) mine was complete violet with some white at the crown..okay...i always knew i was a little unique...The guys mouth dropped who took the picture and he said "Do you do readings"? although i have always in the charismatic churches that i have gone to through the years been recognized as prophetically gifted...this was so cool because God was so in this aura picture thing...I then had members of my family and i read the book "Life Colors" by Pamela olsby about aura colors ...The book so much was right on, my Husband is a blue aura, my son a yellow, my girlfriend yellow and there aura much fit their character. I think Church's should have aura cameras...and classes on the meanings of their auras to help aid most church so that they would not be so black and white...to not die a copy ...to be an original...to dive into all the beautiful creative colors of the rainbow....like yeah, like God created the rainbow, right? Elohim is pretty creative, why not his people?

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